Friday, May 10, 2013

Google asked to provide search docs in Apple-Samsung spat

A federal judge on Thursday told Google it needs to hand over documentation about how it's searching for information it's required to provide as part of a lawsuit between Apple and Samsung.

Apple earlier this week had requested the court require Google to disclose its methodology, adding that the search giant was not doing "a full search" for documents related to its Android operating system, which Apple wants to use as evidence in its patent lawsuit against Samsung.

In a court order, U.S. Magistrate Judge Paul Grewal said that Google has two days to provide those search terms, Bloomberg reports.

The case is separate from the one Apple and Samsung went to trial for last year in the U.S., and is slated to begin next year. It deals with a newer set of devices from both companies, as well as different patents, though still pits both tech giants (who are also business partners) against one another yet again.

More: Apple pushes for Android code docs in Samsung case


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