Sunday, May 15, 2011

Health And Fitness ? The Depression Workbook: A Guide for Living ...

Th? Depression Workbook: A Guide f?r Living w?th Depression ?nd Manic Depression, Second Edition

  • ISBN13: 9781572242685
  • Condition: N?w
  • Notes: BRAND NEW FROM PUBLISHER! 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Tracking provided ?n m??t orders. B?? w?th Confidence! Millions ?f books sold!

Th?? bestselling workbook provides interactive exercises th?t h?l? readers take responsibility f?r th??r ?wn wellness ?nd teach essential coping skills, such ?? tracking ?nd controlling moods, building a support system, increasing self-confidence ?nd self-esteem, avoiding conditions th?t ??n exacerbate mood swings, ?nd using relaxation, diet, ?nd exercise t? stabilize moods.A major feature ?f th? second edition ?? a n?w chapter th?t details a step-b?-step process t? h?l? readers develop th??r ?wn ?l?n f?r managing symptoms ?nd staying well. Th? second edition ?l?? contains ?n updated list ?f resources, including ?n extensive list ?f helpful web resources, ?? well ?? expanded material ?n specific treatment strategies ?nd updated resources f?r mental health professionals.It m?? b? difficult f?r those suffering fr?m depression t? add a l?ttl? work ?nt? th??r day; simply getting out ?f bed ??n seem l?k? plenty ?f work. B?t ?f ??? ?r? newly diagnosed ?r experiencing moderate problems w?th depression ?r bipolar disorder, Th? Depression Workbook m?ght b? a literal lifesaver.

Th? first section ?? especially useful t? n?w patients ???t learning t? navigate th? signs, treatments, ?nd vocabulary ?f depression. Clearly written overviews ?f specific symptoms ?r? coupled w?th space f?r ??? t? write ?n ???r ?wn th??ght? ?n treatment, prognosis, ?nd ???r ultimate goals. Checklists ?nd daily planners h?l? t? identify both areas ?f difficulty ?nd positive experiences; later ?n th? book, ????ll find charts f?r tracking medications, diet, ?nd doctor visits.

A full section ?? devoted t? th? establishment ?nd maintenance ?f a support group. Id??? range fr?m open discussions w?th family members t? seeking out volunteer work, ?nd ?t?s th?? section th?t m?? b? th? trickiest f?r th? depressed t? work through. Finding th? strength t? m?k? n?w friends m?? seem impossible ?t first, b?t author Mary Ellen Copeland spreads plenty ?f warmth, encouragement, ?nd personal experience ?m?ng h?r directives. ?Jill Lightner

List Price: $ 24.95

Price: $ 13.95


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